mardi 6 décembre 2011

Dragon bling-bling like Mr Sarkosi

In Switzerland, a "tire-pipes" (literally: fire-pipes) is a fairground attraction, where they get to the rifle.

My dragon has a little color blind. It's a "dragon-tire-pipes". Or "bling-bling" like Mr. Sarkozy.
But beware! The colors of the dragon as the symbolics colors of buddhist temples.

It's delicious, isn't it ?

The Dragon thunders in the sky with the sound of compassion that awakens us from delusion and increases what we can know through hearing.

Dragons have the power of complete communication.

Just as we do not see sound, we do not see dragons -- at least not usually.

Displaying a dragon banner is said to protect one from slander and enhances one's reputation.

Associations: main quality is power, dominance over the sea, and the water element.


For example:
The Buddhist temple of Lerab Ling, open in 1992,

located on the plateau of Escandorgue
in the department of Herault in French.

Built in the style of a traditional monastery Tibetan
whose architectural model symbolizes the lesson of the Buddha.
The temple of Lerab Ling which shelters the Institute of "Wisdom and Compassion",
is a center of Rigpa retirement of the Nyingma school of Buddhism Tibetan, founded in 1991.

Rigpa is an international network of 106 Buddhist centers or places of meeting in 23 country. This place received the Dalai Lama in September 2000.


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