| The cornetfishes are a small family Fistulariidae of extremely elongated fishes in the order Syngnathiformes. The family consists of just a single genus Fistularia with four species, found worldwide in tropical and subtropical marine environments. They generally live in coastal waters or on coral reefs, where they feed on small fishes, crustaceans and other invertebrates. Cornetfish are of minor interest for fishing, and can be found in local markets within their range. |
Ipefishes or pipe-fishes (Syngnathinae) are a subfamily of small fishes, which with the seahorses form a distinct family. Pipefish look like straight-bodied seahorses with tiny mouths. The name is derived from the peculiar form of their snout, which is like a long tube, ending in narrow and small mouth which opens upwards and is toothless.
A dorsal fin is always present, and is the principal (in some species, the only) organ of locomotion. | 
 | The "siphonostome" is a pipefish, a parasitic entomostracan of the tribe Siphonostomata !! and in chinese they say: 专业辞典 n.m 动物学】(腹足类)管口
incredible is not it?
Source texts: http://en.wikipedia.org |
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